(a project of NatureCulture)
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Lilly Pond / Julian Wise

Lilly Pond Community Forest


“Lilly Pond” for Lilly Pond Community Forest and Kennebec Estuary Land Trust
by Julian Wise

Jun, 2021


Lilly Pond

When searching for Lilly Pond
I found myself lost
in unfamiliar territory. 

Before feeling lost, however,
I embarked on a grand quest with a sense of desire
and a thirst for treasure. 

At the fork between Grandpa’s Trail and Lilly Pond Trail
past the occasional rusted piece of iron
around the descending bend
into a sudden division between coniferous on my left
and deciduous on my right

I paused within the chasm
and glared up at the full coverage of hardy evergreens
that took precedence over the last of the oak and maple leaves. 

I allowed myself to pause, just for a moment.
Pause and wonder
what would be lost without these woods? 

Shelter for the migratory birds who visit Maine’s rocky coast
home for the native species of the region
a peaceful getaway for human inhabitants 
who can dive into an instant adventure within the trees
just as I had.

What would be lost? I ask
if the seas rise
or the bush burns
or the animals cannot live any longer
as if drought denies their food.

Would the ship builders keep building?

Would the walkers keep walking?

Would the lobstermen keep harvesting?

Would the farmers keep farming?

All as they had before?



Julian Wise is a junior at University of Vermont, where he is studying food systems and mathematics. Poetry, for him, is more hobby and joy.

Kennebec Estuary Land Trust (kennebecestuary.org) is committed to conserving land and wildlife habitat of the Lower Kennebec and Sheepscot River estuaries. They are a community based membership organization serving the towns of Arrowsic, Bath, Bowdoinham, Dresden, West Bath, Georgetown,  Richmond, Westport Island and Woolwich.